Without sketch:

With sketch (as a multiply layer overtop):

Trust me, they're less rubbishy than the oil paintings I've been doing lately. This is after about two and a half, or maybe three hours? I'm not sure, I haven't exactly kept track.
Just to prove I haven't just been sitting around baking cookies.
Ooh, cookies.
Um, gotta go.
hey, that guy looks familiar! it means this painting is complete due to its success at presenting a likeness, right??? :D
i really like it. some day i am going to understand how all this color stuff really works.
I wish! But I'm glad that the likeness is obvious -- it took me a very, very long time to be able to get a likeness, so I'm quite happy with that.
I'm still working on understanding color, the shameless hussy. We'll see what happens when I continue work on it.
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