Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Life Drawing II

Quick post to show off a little of what I've been up to. Warning -- nudity abounds!

Pencil and white chalk on brown paper, from life.

I later scanned this in and futzed with it to make a line drawing that I could transfer onto my silverpoint surface.

Oh, and the writing on the back -- "This space intentionally left blank" -- was for the prof's benefit, as he was reminding us to consider the backgrounds of our compositions.

It's a wonder I haven't been slapped with an F for life!

The actual silverpoint piece isn't finished, but I'll try to get a progress shot posted soon.  Pinkyswear.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer School

I'm currently in Life Drawing II this summer. On a lot of levels, I'm rather surprised at how unstressful it's been. I've been in classes all summer, from Maymester to Summer II, and everything's been so stressful. Interestingly, I'm taking two classes during Summer II, and my life-drawing class, four hours a day, four days a week, is so. Incredibly. Unstressful. Dare I say, nigh relaxing.

Evil Professor Rex is making the drawing II students go the extra mile, experiment with materials, and so on, so this week and next week, I'm working in silverpoint. It's something I've been wanting to do for quite awhile, so I'm incredibly happy to have the opportunity to work in this medium. On prepared paper. Utilizing rabbitskin glue. Which stinks. But hey, pretty, pretty surface to draw on. I kinda don't want to draw on anything else now.

I'll post what I've done when I have a bit more *snort* time.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Reappearing on the Face of the Planet

School sucked out my soul, chewed it up, and spit out the gristle. So now I have gristle for a soul.

Year in recap: school, school, school, more school, life drawing, school, school, and a bit more school, life painting, school, school, schule, more life drawing and school.

And let's not forget the school.

Also, in a great abuse of irony, I promise to post more art here in my copious free time.

I see that my last post talked about the 9X12 show -- I missed last year's show, but I have plenty of time to consider this year's show. Of course, I have nothing that will fit neatly into a 9X12 envelope, but that's what copious free time is for. Or so I'm told.

I wonder if the ancient Greeks had myths about free time, copious or un.