Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall Self Portrait, Complete

After several hours with the GIMP  I've finally finished my self-portrait. It took more than four hours, but less than six, I think, for the color stage. So, all in all, I think it might have taken somewhere between seven and ten hours. Not all at once -- there's a lot of getting up and walking away involved.

Of course, now that I've slaved over it, I suddenly feel the desire to become an abstract expressionist.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Self Portrait, Fall 2010

Self-portrait, about three to four hours on OpenCanvas 1.1 and a Wacom tablet. Digitally painting a grisaille with the intention of digitally glazing later. I did this looking in a mirror instead of working from a photo. The process was a great deal less grueling than working with oils, but I don't think I could have done it without that prior traditional experience. Thank you, Evil Professor Rex, for your strict instruction and insistence on drawing our self-portraits for homework.

I'm not entirely comfortable letting an image of myself float about in the ether, which I guess means that I did a passable job on likeness.  I was just disappointed that I didn't look more like Tia Carrere.